
Church on 99 has the remarkable privilege to be supported by two faithful churches that desire us and hold us accountable to be faithful in the mission of the church. We are not planted from these ministries but have a unique relationship with both through personal investment and acquaintances. Each of these supporting churches have qualified, godly leadership that can provide encouragement, discipleship and exemplify ministry faithfulness to our church.

Grace Advance

Grace Advance is a ministry by Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA. It is a local church ministry that ministers to churches in need of pastoral leadership. We are one of many Grace Advance churches in North America who have the protection of godly leadership and a healthy church supporting and protecting us.

Grace Advance Website

The Expositors Seminary

The Expositors Seminary is a local church based ministry that provides the rigors of theological training as well as the hands-on apprentice approach to train pastor/shepherds. This seminary has 7 local church campuses throughout the United States and pastor David was trained at the Jupiter, FL campus through Grace Immanuel Bible Church. The model is “pastors training pastors” equipping them for the work of the ministry.

Expositors Seminary Website

The Masters Seminary

Master’s Seminary Website